Faustkeil Titan Anhänger mit Sternzeichen Steinbock von Element of Gods
Hand axe zodiac sign Capricorn
 Faustkeil Titan Anhänger mit Sternzeichen Steinbock getragen an flachem schwarzen Lederband
Faustkeil Titan Anhänger mit Sternzeichen Steinbock getragen an geflochtener schwarzer Lederkette
Hand axe zodiac sign Capricorn
Faustkeil Titan Anhänger mit Sternzeichen Steinbock in einem Etui

Hand axe zodiac sign Capricorn

Regular price $84.49
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  • Einzigartige Optik aus Rein-Titan
  • Kleine Manufaktur im Schwarzwald
  • Beste Hautverträglichkeit
  • Kundefürsorge und hohe Qualität
  • Geschenk mit individueller Gravur

  • Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage, kostenloser Versand in DE

Features of the pendant:

Material: pure titanium in implantat- quality, anti- allergenic, anti- corrosive, scratchresistent, suitable for the sauna

Dimensions: 40 x 26 x 5 mm

Weight: 12g


2500 years ago, the people of Mesopotamia were the first to discover and appreciate what is today known as astrology. Capricorns are commonly associated with being goal-oriented, enduring and reliable. Among our product line dedicated to the twelve star signs, you will find an archaic piece of jewelry engraved with the minimalistic yet classic Capricorn sign symbol.

Important for your order!

Back with laser engraving

With the engraving editor we would like to give you the opportunity to design your own personal engraving. However, we would like to point out that the font should not be too small: The larger the letters, the better the readability.

The text fields are designed very precisely and texts are automatically centered. We still allow ourselves a minimum of artistic freedom to ensure the best possible position, size and readability for you, according to your specifications.

Pendants with personalized back engraving are, as usual with personalized products, excluded from return and exchange.

Length and style of your leathercord

We offer 2 different options of leathercords, so that you can wear your piece of jewelry according to your personal preferrence.

Option A is a german made, vegetable dyed, flat, approximately 3mm thick and 70cm long leathercord, which you can adjust easily with sliding knots. This cord rubs off in the beginning, which is why you should give it a proper washing before you wear it. It can generally be worn in the water, so that your new piece of jewelry can accompany you on every adventure! The more you wear it, the more patina this band will develope, which gives it a wild character over time.

Option B is a neatly braided, round leathercord, with a bayonet lock. It has a diameter of 3mm and can be closed securely. With this variant you can choose a length between 45 to 70 cm. It is perfect for you, if you prefer a clean even more classy style. 

For Option B, if in doubt, you should add 5cm, to ensure, that you can wear your necklace in your preferred length, as the chain will be shortened due to the lacing through the eyelet of the pendant! 

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Frank Bodendorf
Einzig schöner Titanschmuck

Ich habe mir den Faustkeil als Sternzeichen gekauft und bin sehr begeistert. Die Verarbeitung ist richtig gut und das Schmuckstück sieht echt toll aus. Auch die Kommunikation bei Fragen ist hervorragend. Das war nicht das letzte Stück was dort gekauft habe. Ich liebe das Material sehr.

Birte Wullenweber

Super netter Kontakt und schnelle Beantwortung von Fragen, toller Service und tolle Beratung, schneller Einwandfreier Versand

Andreas Kiel
Männerschmuck von maskulinster Art

Eigentlich ist Schmuck für Männer nicht so meins, aber hierfür konnte ich mich vom ersten Augenblick an begeistern. Tolle Qualität, zeitlos schön und total angenehm zu tragen; einmal angelegt und nie mehr abgelegt. Ich bin hin und weg 👍